Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Cornfield

What makes the cornfield smile; beneath what star ...

                    ~Virgil (from Georgic I)

Now is the time of the harvest and on the roads many cornfields have been plowed. The cornstalks are now  brown reminders of the bright yellow corn they once covered.
The cornfields may be smiling in this picture below. Maybe they are also dancing in the wind as the breezes bend them at noon. The wind makes its own music.

Cornfields in Fairfield, Iowa
The artist John Constable painted The Cornfield (below). This is one of his most vigorous and powerful masterpieces. 

"The elm trees in the hedgerow on the left are already slightly tinged with brown, while the shorter trees across the lane have still their summer dress of green. Between them, in the middle distance, part of a cornfield is seen, sloping down to the greener water-meadows of the valley, with glimpses of the river, and a church tower among the trees. Several small figures are moving along the pathway through the corn, which glows like gold under the sun's rays."
      ~letter from John Constable

    There is a warm, gold color when corn is in full bloom. Perhaps that warmth reminds the poet Virgil of the warm glow of love that make us smile. 
Uncle Kracker "Smile"

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